Category: Writings

Who is MCC San Jose?

Rev Sky after surgerya reflection by Rev. Sky Anderson

People ask me all the time, “What is MCCSJ?” To me, the question ought to be, “Who is MCCSJ?” Probably the best way to explain what I am trying to say is by giving an example.

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Mercy Center Labyrintha reflection by Rev. Michael Patrick Ellard

“Would you like to deadhead some flowers? Or would you like to rake some leaves in the labyrinth?” My guide radiated enthusiasm as she whispered to me, “Raking leaves in the labyrinth, that’s really huge!”

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Shirley Colsona reflection by Shirley Colson

In my life, prayer has been essential.  Prayer is the very air that I breathe, the water I need every day to live, and the very blood that flows through my veins. Prayer is a lifeline, if you will, to my Creator. A way I can speak to Him freely and praise Him as I feel He should be praised. Prayer is that special time that I have with my Creator that no one can touch or judge. Prayer is where I can speak freely because God knows me; I am His creation. Prayer is so important to me that without it I could not be me; I would be incomplete. Prayer has helped me in my life during the sad times, the hard times, and the joyous times. It has been and has become such an essential part of my life that I cannot be separated from it. Prayer is what I do and prayer is part of me.

As far back as I can remember, God has been my best friend. I learned from a very young age that God loves me unconditionally and that God would never leave me. Little did I know just how important those two statements were going to be in my life. As I sit here, I start to think back over my childhood and young adulthood and realize how many times God saved me. I learned that through prayer I had my own little chatline with God and I used it as a lifeline.

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The Return of the Beacon

The BeaconIn order to reach people who don’t have easy access to the internet, we’ve created a printed newsletter with some of our most popular weekly reflections.  We’ve named it ”The Beacon,” after a newsletter that our church used to publish about ten years ago.

If you’d like a copy of the Beacon, please call our church office at (408) 279-2711.  We would be glad to mail you a copy.  You can also download a copy by clicking the following link:  The June 2009 Beacon

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Walking Softly on God’s Good Earth

berry-westa reflection by David “Berry” West

One of the great ways that I have discovered to commune with the Divine is to take public transit and ride my bicycle. By doing this, I feel that I am honoring God’s creation by respecting our mother earth, not overusing fossil fuels, and sparing the air. An added benefit is that by exercising, I am building God’s temple and strengthening my body.

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Talking to My Best Friend

sugara reflection by Sharon C.

When I was a little girl, I had three best friends. Bobbi and I met in school and were almost instantly inseparable. We even told people we were cousins. I told her lots of things, but some secrets were too hard to share. Those secrets where whispered into the ears of my other best friends: the family cat, Spooky, or the plastic ears of an old model horse I called Sugar.

Sugar had belonged to my mom; her paint was rubbing off and her tail was missing. I saw her through the loving eyes of a lonely child, and thought she was beautiful. Plus, Sugar was never too busy to listen; I could talk to her about anything. Bobbi and the cat sometimes had other plans, but Sugar was always there.

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Why I Hate Jehovah

no-jehovah3You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. 
     – Exodus 20:7 (NRSV)

When you’re in the preacher biz, you quickly find that people have a lot of different names that they use to talk about God: Jesus, Lord, Father, Mother, Creator, Redeemer, Higher Power, Comforter, Advocate, Friend… The list goes on and on. I find the rich array of names for the divine to be beautiful, but I’ve never been comfortable with “Jehovah.”

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