Celebrate Easter With Us At MCC San Jose!
A blessed Holy Week to each of you!
As you read this message, I invite you to take the time, if you haven’t yet, to witness Jesus’ Crucifixion, by reading Matthew 27:27-66, attending a Good Friday service, or sitting in prayerful meditation. For just a time before we come together in celebration on Easter Sunday, let us acknowledge the sorrow, the outrage, and the grief of Jesus’ beloved disciples, friends and followers…
And then, on Sunday, remembering the empty tomb and all it signifies, and from the deep wonder and joy that such a resurrection must bring, I invite you to bring to church something beautiful to turn the old covered fire-pit into a Sacred Circle of Celebration for Easter! Perhaps you have a beautiful cloth you can lend us for the time we gather in worship. Maybe you can bring an Easter Lily or two (or three!). Perhaps you can gather a handful of wildflowers from a vacant lot or with permission, bring flowers from a garden (or from the grocery store) to share their scent and beauty? Maybe you have a picture or another item that speaks to you of life and hope renewed after death?
Ask yourself what YOU can contribute to help us celebrate this beautiful Easter together in community. No contribution is too small for this, for they will be together. What gives you joy? For about an hour on Easter Sunday, can you share with us something to remind us of that joy?
May these days of witnessing Jesus in Jerusalem and Jesus on the Cross … and waiting for what comes next, lead to the Easter we each seek.
***Join us for Easter Breakfast with our host church Grace Baptist beginning at 9:30 am, and then we’ll worship (this week only) at 11am in the Fireside Room for an MCC San Jose celebration service!
I look forward to singing Alleluias with each of you again!!
With many blessings and peace,
Rev. Rebecca Anderson